miercuri, 18 martie 2009

Nebunul cu ochii închişi

Bătrîn despre care vecinii spun că este schizofrenic, stînd zeci de minute în faţa casei sale din Şchei, la apus. (Old schizophrenic man - neighbours say- sitting tens of minutes in front of his house from Şchei neighborhood, in sunset time).

ACTUALIZARE: Am furat ideea anonimului care m-a comentat şi iată, m-am hotărît să-mi numesc fotografia ,,Nebunul cu ochii închişi''. Mulţumesc, anonimule...

10 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

Arată-mi, te rog, fotografia „Tânără despre care vecinii spnu că e usuratică, stând zeci de minute goală în odaie, noaptea, cu lumina aprinsă si perdelele ridicate”!

Anonim spunea...

Imi aminteste de nebunul cu ochii inchisi al Phoenix-ilor...

Andrei Paul spunea...

http://andreipaul.blogspot.com/2008/12/bahica-6.html Ce-i drept, nu e tinara. Oricum, e o idee

Anonim spunea...

..si nici fumeie.. :))))))

Owen spunea...

Hello from France, I like your photos alot, am looking forward to seeing more... this one is excellent, an incredible mood here, sorry my Romanian is not so good... but it looks like your English is great...

Andrei Paul spunea...

Thank you, Owen. I tried to translate earlier posts with Google Translate, but it doesn't look so good. I hope u understand at least the main ideea (i noticed that some negations in Romanian are translated as affirmatives in english...). Hope u'll enjoy this blog and the many posts I had yet posted :)

Andrei Paul spunea...

Excuse my ignorance, but what does a 'Curator of Collection' mean/do? :)

cris spunea...

" remarcabli bitiful"( ce m am distrat cand mi-am tradus postarile cu chestia aia de tradus:))))

Owen spunea...

Hi Andrei, took me a couple of days to get back; "curator of collection" means someone who takes care of a collection, like in a museum... but with me it is a little bit of a joke, because I do not work in a museum, but I collect many things, like photographs, and other junk from abandoned houses, and I call it a museum collection... :-) I like your mountain side pictures too...

Andrei Paul spunea...

Glad to see you back, and glad too that you explained to me. Maybe we will do bussiness sometime :). Who knows!