Orice fotografie de pe acest blog este de vînzare, în format digital sau print (hîrtie sau canvas). Any photo of this blog is for sale, digital format or paper/canvas print.
Astonishing photos, both frightening and inviting! (I saw you at A Tidings of Magpies......I have followed her for a year and am on her blogroll, with gratitude!)
Freelancer. Anterior: Redactor la Monitorul Expres, corespondent Evenimentul Zilei. Colaborator NewsIn Foto şi Mediafax Foto/ Freelancer. Previous: (photo)reporter and editor for the local newspaper Monitorul Expres. Corespondent Evenimentul Zilei. Contributor NewsIn Foto and Mediafax Foto.
11 comentarii:
Super! Felicitari!Maria Petrascu
Multumesc, Maria. Şi te mai astept sa frunzaresti si restul fotografiilor de pe blog:).
Great pictures! I love the angle in them. And the B&W gives these pictures nice texture.
Thank you, Vivian. I promise more to come!
Astonishing photos, both frightening and inviting!
(I saw you at A Tidings of Magpies......I have followed her for a year and am on her blogroll, with gratitude!)
Thank you, Lydia. I'm glad you came to my blog too and I hope you'll stay long:)
fotografia ta fuge, frumoasa idee!
Balea lac.....dar lacul?nu merita o fotografie
Ba merita si chiar am, dar nu prea se potrivesc cu cele pe care am ales sa le postez...
Multumesc, Cati.
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